A Multifaceted World
Where digital art meets poetry, history, politics, factual storylines, novels ~ a vast array of narratives
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Here is a description of the pressure and skill of the American system of flying battle operations in boxed formations. These boxes meant that … …
Beware the ‘messenger’
"God has told me …”
A more personal review
Land of the Midnight Suns, that which is last seen with an accidental social overdose.
the seasons come, and the seasons go. Wherever we are in the world, the seasons arrive and depart when they are expected… … …
From the Evening Standard, 9 October 1944, with the Second Tactical Air Force in France …
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Great Britain and Nazi Germany at the Munich Pact 1938 in which they agreed to cede the Sudetenland to Nazi Germany. Czechoslovakia was not permitted to sit at the table or to even be in the building. Peace in our Time was very short-lived. In March 1939 Nazi Germany occupied Czechoslovakia, and Hitler appeared on the balcony in Prague to a bemused and silent Nation.
The 47th reminded the world less than two weeks ago, in a rambling news conference, that we should learn the lessons of history. Then he sent his Gang to Munich. His vice president gave a Dr Goebbels 2st century harangue, whilst his tattooed defence secretary went on a rampage of his own in Brussels.
The 47th’s instruction was loud and clear. Now you lovely people, go to Munich and Brussels and hit Europe for six and knock Ukraine out of the room. I wanna mega deal with President Pootin

Uncertainty is the danger to all young people. And older people are no longer the role models for them to build their own lives. In this vacuum it does not take long for the ungainly splash of red paint in anger, to reform itself into the ugliness and detestation of a sharpened knife-like double letter S, or that ancient and noble symbol once again in reverse and upon which Adolf Hitler seized as that man’s ultimate weapon ~ the swastika. Digital Portrait by KTW 2024 IBM 2024

In the Mind’s Eye. How we recall things is often only a sketch, but no less important. A imaginary Scene from the Liverpool Waterfront Once Upon a Time.Impressionistic
© 2024 KTW | © 2024 IBM
Video of the Moment
This very short video clip celebrates the 2018 250th Anniversary of Lloyds Bank. It is a quite breathtaking 1.31 min clip. This reminds me of the importance to civilisation in history of this magnificent animal ~ The Horse.
The World Through Another’s Eyes
The Four Seasons and the Four Winds
The Ever-growing Digital Art for this Great Piece of Escapism
If you prefer to wander round, wander the Gallery here

The Spirit of Autumn

The Spirit of Winter

Autumn. From ‘The Four Seasons’ by Ian Bradley Marshall, first published by Spiderwize in October 2011 in Meanderings ~ An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. © 2011 IBM © 2024 KTW


From Death and back to Life ~ A Quantum Leap

Die Dichter, Poesie und Religion…
Die Poesie ist die Brücke über den Golf, der die Menschen von der Realität trennt!
The Poets, Poetry and Religion…
Poetry is the bridge over that gulf which separates the People from Reality!
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An August evening from a lounge window catching the last moments of the day as night falls, the outline of New Brighton and the Wirral Peninsula