The Author That

The Multifaceted World of Kenneth Webb

Where digital art meets poetry, politics, LGBTQI+ stories, and a vast array of emotional narratives

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In the Mind’s Eye. How we recall things is often only a sketch, but no less important. A Scene from the Liverpool Waterfront Once Upon a Time.

© 2024 KTW | © 2024 IBM

Video of the Moment

This very short video clip celebrates the 2018 250th Anniversary of Lloyds Bank. It is a quite breathtaking 1.31 min clip. This reminds me of the importance to civilisation in history of this magnificent animal ~ The Horse.

The World Through Another’s Eyes ~ Recent Image Creations by K.T.W.

The Four Seasons and the Four Winds
The Ever-growing Digital Art for this Great Piece of Escapism

If you prefer to wander round, wander the Gallery here

Autumn. From ‘The Four Seasons’ by Ian Bradley Marshall, first published by Spiderwize in October 2011 in Meanderings ~ An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. © 2011 IBM © 2024 KTW


From Death and back to Life ~ A Quantum Leap

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