Journal | British English ~ American English : Neither is Incorrect ~ Second Edition (2024)

The Image is an art piece created by means of artificial intelligence in our regular zoom meeting between Denmark and the United Kingdom. We were playing around. Simple as that!

Journal | British English ~ American English : Neither is Incorrect ~ Second Edition (2024)

The Longhand Letter ~ Second Edition (2024)

This postbox has been here for more than a century. It is on the Prestbury Road just beyond Pittville Circus roundabout if heading into town. Havanas Coffee House is where Mr Gillier the Grocer supplied provisions to 20 and 25 Windsor Street a hundred meters the other side of the circus; the letter box to which I’d post letters for Grandma …

The Longhand Letter ~ Second Edition (2024)

Animals ~ Certainty

SOMETIMES we say things without thinking through the import of our statement. Sometimes, we’re so sure that we’re right because of our religious convictions, that to even question us either causes us to rebuke or, worse still, convey that look of disdain … not unlike the whiff of an unpleasant smell.

Animals ~ Certainty