Quotes — Kenneth Thomas Webb
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To hit rock bottom
Has one advantage
Thereafter it’s only going to go up.

Stand your ground!
Fight your corner!
Don’t give an inch!
— Kenneth Thomas Webb ~ November 30, 2021
In all religions
lurk in murk four pillars :
dogma, doctrine
contrivance, falsity
— Dimension 14 : Kenneth Thomas Webb ~ November 23, 2021
It is wise to separate historical account from camp-fire storyline.

— Kenneth Thomas Webb ~ November 16, 2021
I will not bow the head

or bend the knee

to this 21st Century

This Nazism
This Fascism
This Religious Idiocy.
— Kenneth Thomas Webb ~ November 5, 2021
Poetry in Motion ~ that which is written on the moment’s spur, usually upon witnessing some event in real time and for which the writer was not prepared nor had prior intent to write about.
— Kenneth Thomas Webb October 30, 2021
Es ist unfassbar, welche Kraft in den Menschen steckt. It is unbelievable what power there is in people.
— Frau Rita Schneeweiß, Deutschland September 7. 2021
Dark minds are never far from the candlelight of liberty.
— Kenneth Th. Webb June 1, 2021 (Windsor Street Days Chapter 4)
If they’re offended by lifestyle then they’ll never win; they’ll never come round to your viewpoint. They’ll write off. So don’t waste the time of day on them.
— Kenneth Th. Webb May 26, 2021 (from 'Be Yourself' : 2013)
As we all know, and without exception, Reconciliation is the most challenging hurdle of all. To many, it is a hurdle. Hard, very hard, but with extreme effort, doable. To others it is a chasm that many more absolutely refuse to contemplate, let alone, consider tackling.

THAT is the frailty - the in-built weakness - of our fallible human nature.

Many signally fail. And at least one future generation will reap the whirlwind whether it be between nations, between families, between individuals.
— Kenneth Th. Webb May 21, 2021
Sometimes, I need to stop, to look around, take a breath, take my surroundings in. This has a curious effect, like mist clearing, and I regain a proper perspective. And it is not good to dwell. What I mentally process will never match the answer to the equation. There is much to gain in refusing to be driven by 24/7, social media, and, simply, declining to listen to news until lunchtime. Be up by 8am latest, make full use of the day, but do not attach the ball and chain of media hype.
— Kenneth Th. Webb May 13, 2021
Never allow any form of fundamentalism to creep in. Thoroughly reject it. It is divisive. It is akin to massive high explosive - semtex - going off.
— Kenneth Th. Webb April 24, 2021
What is normal to one person is abnormal to another. What is unnatural to one person is very natural to another. This is a universal reality. The problem is exacerbated by shores, borders, languages, geography, politics, religion. That last is the most calamitous of all.
— Kenneth Th. Webb April 16, 2021
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
— A.B von Österreich April 14, 2021
When A People reflect, they look inward, they draw together, the vociferous minority feels it best to exercise temporary restraint, to not shout out and about the market-place, and when this happens, People stand … ‘Listen! Can you hear it? The Silent Majority.’ All is well.
— Kenneth Th. Webb April 12, 2021
Let the entire community, many-sided, debate with calmness, good reason and a desire to reach consensus. Let the older generation always ask, ‘am I teaching my children the actual facts or what I perceive to be the facts?’
— Kenneth Th. Webb April 4, 2021
When, in any Nation, a constituent ancient nation seeks to turn back the clock to what it perceives as richness, vitality, freedom, independence, it is nothing more than the vociferous minority proclaiming to be the silent majority. It is a dangerous step, because in its quest, despite its loud and, often, vulgar protestations, its intention is to shatter completely the modern nation state, by fomenting discontent in the other constituent ancient nations, and thus to follow suit.
— Kenneth Th. Webb April 1, 2021
Be wary when caught up in the middle of an argument. Once reconciled, pillow talk regains free rein, and genuine attempts to help become the rocks upon which friendship founders.
— Kenneth Th. Webb March 24, 2021
Oh dear, what a week! There is British English and then there is American English. ‘...and how are you feeling internally?’ the American asks. The Brit wonders why there is a sudden interest in one’s digestive system. The American confides, ‘I don’t like your pants. Wrong colour.’ Brit wonders, how on earth can they see my underwear through my trousers? Divided by a common language we most definitely are!
— Kenneth Th. Webb March 11, 2021
As a truly global international community, working together in harmony, we can achieve the impossible. The pandemic is demonstrating this. We have the last century as a litmus test. Great things were accomplished worldwide and then out into the Universe.
— Kenneth Th. Webb March 7, 2021
It is imperative that we resist, as an international community, the twenty-first century becoming the century of the dictator.” | “Als internationale Gemeinschaft schützen wir uns müssen davor, dass das 21. Jahrhundert zum Jahrhundert des Diktators wird.
— Kenneth Th. Webb March 1, 2021
The smaller the community, the narrower the perception. The more religious a community - any religion - even narrower is the perception.
— Kenneth Th. Webb February 22, 2021
Even one party state, self-appointed lifetime dictators, or the generalissimo, will insist their country is a democracy. The problem is, is that they genuinely believe this.
— Kenneth Th. Webb February 10, 2021
“Regardless of circumstances, whenever the Military seize power, and tin-pot-generals argue that democracy is now safe in their hands, rest assured, democracy has long fled the scene and a very long night of darkness, arrests, wrongful convictions, summary executions, and torture ... ... is inevitable.”
— Kenneth Th. Webb February 4, 2021

Regardless of world events, the seasons reign supreme.

As we slip to the top of the second hour here, in the western hemisphere, we nudge Father Time forward an hour. He smiles. He gives us a wave. Then slips again into his quiet rhythmic pace and sets our course on history’s timeline.

My mind dismisses this troubled world in the darkness of this night – I ignore the freezing temperatures without, and rejoice in life itself and that I can enjoy these seasons.
— Kenneth Th. Webb January 26, 2021
Religious fundamentalism carries concepts to extremes. And in this fallen world there will always be weak people who can be putty in the hands of others, who will be convinced that their way is right, and only their way.
— Kenneth Th. Webb January 22, 2021
As we approach Inauguration, we find we keep being reminded of the 74 million. Yet, ignoring age ranges, those ineligible to vote and so on, if I subtract that from the worldometer population for the USA, I find I have 261 million, and that suddenly makes that 74 million shrink to the vociferous minority that it now is. That gives me great hope.
— Kenneth Th. Webb January 10, 2021
Let us be wary of strident journalism. Let us find common ground as we deal with lockdowns and changes in policy. Let us see today’s U-turns more for what they really are, the touching of the rudder, zigzagging the menace that lurks beneath the waves.
— Kenneth Th. Webb January 3, 2021
Night has departed and with it the old year
Let us therefore step forward with confidence
and that sureness in body, spirit and soul
that we will prevail, and we will once again succeed
when others predicted our downfall.
— Kenneth Th. Webb December 27, 2020