Darkness Comes With the Night (Revised Edition)

Note 2022

The future? It is obvious. World War III is a matter only of ‘when’ not ‘if’.

Civilization, worldwide, is collapsing before our very eyes.

And with this comes impenetrable darkness and a very, very long night.

And we have only ourselves to blame, yet again, for failing to recognize that ancient principle:

When the vociferous minority is presumed to be the silent majority


the silent majority is presumed to be the vociferous minority

Note 2021

Written in 2020 when international tensions were rising, populism seemed resurgent, of all places, in the USA under the leadership of, God forbid, the incumbent at that time of the title leader of the free world. Only now are we beginning to learn of just what has been going on in that benighted presidency and in the skewered mindset of that equally benighted man …

If you swing to populism you will be angered should you venture down. If you love freedom and democracy you will be dismayed because human nature is as bad as ever and incapable of learning from past mistakes.

I received a request to define ‘benighted’. Sure. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this as being in a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance; overtaken by darkness.



Darkness steals over the brow,

long shadows become longer still.

The ink of night settles

on men's minds,

And day turns into night

at the noonday


But no eclipse

No portent in the heavens...

Only the darkness of men's minds

ensnaring, tentacle-like,

strangulating all thought of

freedom and independence


Liberal democracy... 

muddied, dirtied, soiled, a rag

thrown in the gutter bleeding...

Life ebbs away

men and women, short-sighted,

raving and craving

for popular uprising

settling naively for its dirty bedfellow



Liberal democracy

stamped underfoot

The least qualified seeking

the highest offices of state.

Selfishness abounds

Nepotism strides the long corridor

preening itself in its

delinquent victory


Intelligentsia rubbished

Establishment cast as elitist

People silenced

then wooed...

The long dark shadow of Nazism

and every shade of fascism

spreading its tentacles



demanding the supreme penalty

summary execution 

death row

condemned cell

torture chamber 


and a man amok,

way past his prime,

in a dirty darkened

grey house on the hill,

A woman hangs out her

washing on a hill

and a ton of paper is trashed away

of a previous Administration,

the last vestiges of freedom gone;

as party activists

blinded to reality

convinced of some Second Coming

see not the terrible thing they have done!


Strident voices scream out

and pummel multiculturalism dead

Strident voices scream out

lies believing them to be truth

Strident voices scream out


and pompously declare:

Well it is a shame I know

But there you go

The law must take its course

preening his image in his lawyer's gown

in the mirror of his mind;

A sudden, sharp rejoinder from within

makes him belch self-consciously

as Reason takes one last swipe

at delusion before departing,

and his nose eschews the liver smell

of his unwanted fart.


Strident voices

pretending their faith

Strident voices

the arch enemy of reason

the arch enemy of GOD

the arch enemy of the Son

the arch-enemy of the Ruach


Down the Unter den Linden

populism strides with menacing ferocity;

Martial music

Long black boots

Brownshirts and breeches

Blackshirts and breeches

the yellow streak of venom

highlighting the crease,

White on Red

an ancient symbol.


A dirty little man

rapes the popular vote,

strangles liberal democracy

and promises the messianic age

and stupid people - still a minority

believe him!

The vociferous minority drown out

the silent majority

who shrug their shoulders,

fearful of losing the status quo

and resting instead on a listless hope

Well, let's give him a chance

He might be what we need

Things have got out of hand

He can't mean all the things he rants

Yes. That's it.

Give him a chance.

The office of state will temper him.


And Reason leaves the Stage

slipping out the side door

as the curtain comes down

in long crimson banners

on the Brandenburg Gate,

Walls go up;

Out of barbed wire, camps are born


the dirty little man

delights in his propaganda

Work sets you free in

1933 : When the World went Mad


2016 : The Year the World went Mad

2021 : The Year the World went Mad

2022 : The Year the World Departed

Liberty casts her eye back

from whence she came

The Land of the Free

The Torch flickers

And still bedazzled in great arcs of light

She sees and hears

what silly people in their ugly rejoicing

fail to even notice

The seismic shift of plates 

along state lines.


She slowly turns out to sea

It is a better view

A better contemplation

rather than watch the friction;

the hatred that breaks up

a host of states,

family against family,

father against son,

grandchildren against grandparents,

tearing the Union asunder.


And in his office in the Kremlin

another little man smiles self-satisfied,

contemplating his ascendancy 

to the world stage.


Deportation from an island.

The letter in the non-descript 

but dreaded manila brown envelope

the Portcullis frank, the Crown

Immigration Home Office...

drops lightly to the floor

in a leafy northern suburb of 

England's third city


Nervous hands remove 

the single sheet,

Cold - austere - blunt

on this eighteenth birthday morning

handling it as one might handle 

an explosive device




Your Application

You have applied for permanent entry to the United Kingdom. We have considered your application under Paragraph 41, 46G and 56K of the United Kingdom Immigration Rules... ... It has not been necessary to interview you... ... In accordance with our decision the following actions are to be taken... ... 


The reader quakes,

breaks down,

all plans, smashed in an instant!




Liberty and Reason 

looked quietly on,

then down the line of history

to nineteen thirty-three,

recalled the self-same lines


The following actions are to be taken

You may bring one suitcase and one change of clothing

and nothing else

And you will report at 0700 hours at the assembly point

on Platform 7


Liberty looked back behind her

and down beyond Florida,

casting her watchful eye

upon the troubled minds 

of people with uncertain futures

and Latino lines.


Liberty concealed her wrath

at the Alt-Right

The watchword and by-word,

The new word,

The 'in' word,

that justifies 






and decided She would

bide her time

again …



in the Land of the Free

On January 6, in

2021 The Year the World went Mad

Melania, you’re so bootiful

I tell ya wot I’m gonna do

I’m gonna write my book

Those bootiful people

will love it

and I’m gonna call it

My Struggle

Liberty momentarily blanched

at Mar-a-Lago.

Determination flashed

not seen since

1939 and even worse

on a Sunday, December

morning in 1941.

Liberty pondered.

Justice slipped quietly

in view.

Freedom did that which

she rarely does

Liberty and Justice listened,


and affirmed their agreement.

Freedom had spoken

The matter was closed.

Liberal Democracy heaved a sigh

and counted the millions

doomed to die.

Liberty, Freedom, Justice

momentarily paused,

considered afresh,

but knew the writing was on the wall

when Putin invaded Ukraine

on that fateful morning

February 24,

2022 The Year the World Departed

and quiet minds in quiet capitals

around the world

whispered in terrified resignation

The Opening Gambit of World War III


A piece of paper fluttered quietly

from the printer,

gently touching down beside him.

How strange.

How weird.

How terrifying.

There is nothing more to be said.

He closed the screen,

gently turned down the light,

checked the french doors were locked

and noted the darkness of the night.

He momentarily wondered …

… decided against it …

but tiptoed upstairs, feeling his way,

… … … and departed.


23 July 2022
All Rights Reserved

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022

First Written on 3 March 2020, updated in 2021 and again in 2022

This was written initially as a poem and appears in that format. The format of this dispatch remains stanza, but may be rewritten in prose format.


Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.