Giving Up?
They profess allegiance
and email encouragement
‘we are with you all the way’
until currency is viewed. . .
‘Aahh, at a price, only tiny though
so don’t worry,
you wont even notice’.
The distancing. . . we all do it,
frivolous internet advertising images,
virtual reality,
conning the viewer.
A genuine promise
to wipe the slate clean. . .
‘this is what we’ll do for you. . . ’
The deep foreboding of a
January Tuesday morning
in 2009 and now again in 2010
a solicitor’s little stubby fingers,
self-appointed pontiff
bridging the gap over his notebook
his rosy cheeks
and thinning hair
happy to give sober advice
and unwittingly
brandishing his sword of justice,
the sword of Pericles!
So I'm on my own again
and just as before like that
nurse in Pearl Harbor
‘I don’t know what to do’.
Do not rely on family
when geography keeps
us physically apart
and age causes
us to understand
that wartime saying
‘a bridge too far’.
It is only for a time.
Family support comes
down the line
and over the net
. . . cards and totally
unexpected special
Those incredible selfless cheques
from Essex;
the bank note sliding out from
inside Mum’s letter
‘something for your supper love. . .
bear up; it will soon be better’.
The call from Dad to confirm a deposit.
A note with a ‘note’ from Kapsis
and Rectory Cottage.
So is it Dido
after all?
. . . and I will go down
with the ship?
God knows
There are times
I want to.
For there is no joy
in this wretched life
nor ever has been. . .
a barren life.
No achievement
No intimacy
No bed to share
Just another Ursula. . .
a Lady in Lavender.
So his goal remains
the same.
He will not go a day beyond
2023 and preferably much sooner.
This has been hell on earth
These 57 miserable years.
No need or desire
to cling onto life.
Let others run the race
I’m no Paul nor even Saul.
I've dropped the baton
I cannot pick it up.
I am tired
So, so tired.
Physically and mentally drained.
I want this horrid wreck
to keel over
and sink beneath the depths. . . . . . . . . . . .
But His reply?
Spoken with the gentleness
beyond comprehension
and yet having the power
and precision of the master
Do not give up I say to you!
I will not even countenance
your capitulation.
See this instead
as being on the anvil.
I am honing you as
Gold is honed in the fire.
Just accept that the process
by simple definition
is not going to be painless;
but you will be purified.[i]
Look around you.
See your family, your friends
the people within your gates
that I show you.
Consider those who give their
lives at the fountain of youth
in distant lands
and then consider again those
words. . . . . .
Do you really dare to say to Me
‘these 57 miserable years’?
No. Quite. I thought not.
Stand rebuked!
Be chastised.
Be greatly blessed that
you have learned this lesson from Me.
Look to the Olympics
Look to the crowning glory
Look behind you and see
the winding path that I have brought you,
and see that every step
along this winding way
is deliberate and calculated
and directed by Me.
THERE! Now you see it.
Looking back you can see your future.
So rejoice and step forth
with courage and be bold.
As Roosevelt himself declared
‘there is nothing to fear but fear itself’.
Green Cauldron
Castle Street, Liverpool 2011
Kenneth Thomas Webb
January 4, 2022
All Rights Reserved
United Kingdom - Austria - Germany - Australia - New Zealand - Canada - USA
© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022
One of the Fifteen Founding Members of Leaders Lodge
Last Published February 26, 2020
Banner Image Courtesy of Dragi Ražnatović