IG Heimat Forschung

RAF 6 Lachen Speyerdorf ~ Die Gedenkstein Zeremonie (Deutsche Version)

Der Rumpf der DK 165 MP-E im dichten Wald Lachen Speyerdorf, Deutschland 17. April 1943

The fuselage of DK165 MP-E in the dense woodland Lachen Speyerdorf, Deutschland April 17. 1943

RAF 6 Lachen Speyerdorf ~ Die Gedenkstein Zeremonie (Deutsche Version)

RAF 12 Dilemma

… … some fragments were also presented to me on that incredible day. This is entirely due to both the German People and to Herr Erik Wieman and his Archaeological Team IG Heimat Forschung. I am forever indebted to Herr Erik Wieman.

RAF 12 Dilemma