PoetryKenneth WebbSeptember 06, 2023Max, Halifax, Paris France, Драган, Драган Ражнатовић, RHODES, Let It All Go Max in Halifax (Revised Edition) An infrequent, irregular but always enjoyable meeting up with a good friend in the old, old daysFirst written in Liverpool in May 2014 ~ the New Era of Enlightenment with DR PoetryKenneth WebbSeptember 06, 2023Max, Halifax, Paris France, Драган, Драган Ражнатовић, RHODES, Let It All Go
FictionKenneth WebbJuly 01, 2022Jerusalem, Ikraam, Binyamin, Oslo, Rachmaninoc, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Frankfurt am Main, Maximilian, Maxim, Max, Gaius, Sounds of the Night, Cr Ch 1 TWILIGHT ~ Night JERUSALEM, ISRAEL. Soon, the Angel of Death would pass over FictionKenneth WebbJuly 01, 2022Jerusalem, Ikraam, Binyamin, Oslo, Rachmaninoc, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Rachmaninov, Frankfurt am Main, Maximilian, Maxim, Max, Gaius, Sounds of the Night, Cr Ch 1