Poetry, MetaphysicalKenneth WebbOctober 12, 2023PO 9, TCIN, they came in the night, one greater than I has only to speak and it is done, Auschwitz, Alexander Petricca, Valkyrie, July 1944 Bomb Plot, Waffen SS Aktion, baying dogs, rifles butss, coal-skuttle helmets, cursed railway platform, 1000 year reich, thousand year Reich They Came in the Night (Current Edition) 2023 ~ Holocaust Poetry, MetaphysicalKenneth WebbOctober 12, 2023PO 9, TCIN, they came in the night, one greater than I has only to speak and it is done, Auschwitz, Alexander Petricca, Valkyrie, July 1944 Bomb Plot, Waffen SS Aktion, baying dogs, rifles butss, coal-skuttle helmets, cursed railway platform, 1000 year reich, thousand year Reich
PoetryKenneth WebbFebruary 08, 2023PO 9, Why?Comment Why ? … simply, one those brief moments experienced by everyone … a scribbled thought PoetryKenneth WebbFebruary 08, 2023PO 9, Why?Comment